Stamp Duty Calculator

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Determine the Stamp Duty you should pay when purchasing a property in a given Australian State or Territory with a Stamp Dut Calculator. Applicable government fees payable are also available through this financial calculating tool.


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Stamp Duty Calculator

Stamp duty rules are different according to where you live. Use this calculator to help you find the correct rate.

An important cost that you must think about when purchasing a home is stamp duty. Getting a new home could be the biggest purchase that many individuals can make. The totals concerned can imply that the amount of stamp duty could be an issue.

What is Stamp Duty?

Stamp duty is a tax imposed by the state on several forms of transactions. These transactions include transfers and contracts for a real estate sale (known as transfer duty), policies of insurance, documented gifts, home loans, goods rental, and motor vehicle licenses.

The cost of stamp duty a person pays varies with respect to the property value for purchase, and it is determined by the government of the State from which you are buying it. Establishing the total you need to pay for can be baffling because every state follows an approach that is different from the other. Above that, there are exemptions for first-time home buyers, different rates to follow when purchasing a land, and sometimes there’s a separate cost for mortgage duty to pay.

The general rule in computing stamp duty is that the cheaper the property, the lesser the tax levied. Most states follow a category system based on value. The stamp duty calculator provided on this site can help you make an estimation of the closest amount to pay on your home loan.

How to Use the Stamp Duty Calculator?

The stamp duty calculator takes into account the state of your purchase, the value of your property, property type, and your type of purchase. It also takes into account if you are a first time home buyer and if you are purchasing from abroad. Simply provide the information being asked for on the field provided. The calculator will automatically compute for you an estimate of the amount you have to pay for stamp duty, mortgage registration, and transfer fees.

Frequently asked questions

What is stamp duty calculator?

The Stamp Duty Calculator estimates the amount of Stamp Duty you should pay when purchasing a property in a given Australian State or Territory. In addition to outlining the Government fees payable, it will also outline Government concessions that may be available.

How is stamp duty calculated?

Each state and territory set the rates at which they charge stamp duty as well as how they are calculated: South Australia. Stamp duty is calculated based on either the value of the land including improvements or the price paid for the property including GST, whichever is greater. NSW, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Northern Territory and Western Australian. Stamp duty is calculated based on the greater amount between the price paid for the property and the market or unencumbered value of the property. Example: if your property is judged to be worth $450,000 but you paid $475,000, your stamp duty is calculated based on the $475,000 purchase price.

ACT. In the ACT stamp duty is likewise primarily based on the greater amount of the purchase price or the market value of the property. This is the total amount of the house and land when the land already has a property on it or when the buyer has purchased a house and land package where the property will be built on the land purchase before settlement. If you purchase land and then build on it at a separate time you will only be charged stamp duty on the land value or purchase price.

What does the calculator show me?

This calculator assesses the amount of money that could be borrowed from a lender to purchase a property. The figures provided by the calculator are estimates only, based on your inputs and a range of assumptions. The actual amount available for borrowing will be determined by the lender.

Who should use this calculator?

This calculator is a useful tool for any individual who needs to figure out what the maximum amount is they can borrow. It will be most applicable to those in the early stages of refinancing or getting a new home loan.

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